While planning my dad's surprise 60th birthday, my boys wanted to know if they got to go to Grandpa's party too. Ummm...NO! Five grandsons (ages 8, 4, 4, 2, and 1) running around casino tables and expensive antique and modern cars....yeah right! They were totally bummed and wanted to know if they got to celebrate Grandpa's birthday. Well what the heck, might as well add another party to the weekend and we celebrated with a barbeque at Grandpa Cliff's house the day after the surprise party (pictures to come soon!).
My sister and I sat down with the boys and they had to come up with the menu and desserts. They also hand-made a special critter to make our BBQ a little more authentic.
Hot dogs were the kids choice and we added hamburgers for Grandpa and the dads.
All 5 kids agreed that Grandpa would really want watermelon...I don't even think he got one bite!
My oldest, Ray, asked, "What's that white dip that Grandpa really likes with chips?" Good choice! French Onion Dip IS my dad's favorite.
Knowing I would have candy left over from the Dessert Table the night before, I steered the kids in that direction. Then of course my youngest, Clarke, who doesn't like candy says, "I think Grandpa really wants pretzels." (See
Clarke's Cars Celebration!)
Home made brownies and chocolate chip cookies were a must! Our family has had this chocolate chip cookie recipe since the 1930's and it's THE best! I made the brownies into bite-sized pops and covered half of them with chocolate. Yummy!
Super cute printables by
Pink Pickle Studios (completely overlooked by the boys...but not my mom!) Thanks for noticing mom!
I added pictures of the boys with my dad to the backdrop. My dad loved this!
AHHH! Ants! Too cute to be real!
Grandpa Cliff and his boys!
All the boys, including Grandpa Cliff, had a great day full of laughs, food and swimming. The kids were so proud of "their" party and super excited to celebrate Grandpa's 60th Birthday.
Ants made of Model Magic